Behind the lens, Married to a beautiful soul and creative himself, Craig. We fell in love at first sight, a story I love to tell my children. We got married within weeks, bought a van, travelled and lived all over Australia. Calling Toowoomba home for now and is where we have planted our feet to raise our 4 beautiful children, Bridie, Balun, Narah and Ryah. Loving their hearts and holding their hands is the biggest love of mine. We slowly fix and renovate an old cottage we live in today. I help behind the scenes with my husbands creative building business. I love simplicity, cut flowers on the table, bare feet, long dresses slow walks, water, words and natural light is a love of mine. I was an early education teacher before having my own children. Home is a creative place. Growing flowers is my new found love. I have always been a bit of an observer. Treasures we find together on walks or travels are a favourite kepsake. |